'Heyyy guys!! so today I\'m starting this journey of vlogging. getting my ish together with you! I will vlog weekly... Some vlogs will be better than others but I am going through a journey that I want to document. SO here we are. What should I call it? please help! SO to start off with this vlog you watch me get a little ready and then I try on some Rainbow jeans. YES GIRL RAINBOW! what are your thoughts with the whole dupe situation with Fashion Nova? Let a girl know. k. gotta go now. xo Thank you for watching!'
Tags: fashion nova try on haul , fashion nova jeans , high waisted jeans , jean haul , Fashion Nova jean try on , Rainbow Haul , fashion nova size 11 , rainbow clothing , fashion nova dupes , rainbow clothes , fashion nova size 9 , fashion nova jean size , fashion nova size medium , fashion nova size large , rainbowhaul , Rainbowshop.com , fashionnovadupes , rainbow clothing haul 2018
See also: